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Bhutan base
Bhutan base map showing administration districts and their capitals - 2012.
PNG versions of the base map can be downloaded with or without elevation shading. [12-202]
Country: Bhutan
Bhutan colour base
Bhutan colour base map showing administration districts and capitals. [12-202a]
Country: Bhutan
Indonesian provincial borders - 2013
Colour map of Indonesia showing province names and provincial borders as at 2013.
Country: Indonesia
Myanmar (Burma)
Myanmar with BW hillshading, states/regions, main rivers - new names.
Country: Myanmar
Myanmar rivers - 2012
Myanmar 2012 with states, rivers and major regional towns in neighbouring countries.
Country: Myanmar
New Zealand admin base
Base map of New Zealand showing administrative regions and the regional capitals - 2012.
Country: New Zealand
Papua New Guinea base
PNG showing province boundaries and provincial capitals - 2012.
PNG versions of the base map can be downloaded with or without elevation shading.
Country: Papua New Guinea
Taiwan Administration divisions
Centraly-governed administrative divisions of Taiwan.
Country: Taiwan