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Sunda and Sahul Shelf
Bathymetry of the Sunda Shelf in southeast Asia and the Sahul Shelf north of Australia, also showing major lakes of central Australia.
Timor and northern islands
Colour relief map of the island of Timor and the eastern Nusa Tenggara Islands. [00-212]
Region: Asia - Southeast
Timor-Leste location
The position of Timor-Leste in relation to its closest neighbours.
Region: Asia - Southeast
Country: Timor-Leste
West Asia to the Americas
From India to the west coast of North America.
World base - Pacific centered
The World on a Miller Cylindrical Projection centered on the Pacific showing international borders - 2013.
Region: World
World base centered on Prime Meridian
The World on a Miller Cylindrical Projection centered on the Prime Meridian (0 degrees of longitude) showing international borders - 2013.
Region: World
World with no borders
Black and white map of the world on a Mercator projection, centered on Australia. [00-171]
Region: World
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