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Central America & the Caribbean
Countries of Central America and the Caribbean showing capital cities.
Region: Americas
Choiseul and Shortland Islands
Colour elevation map of the islands in the north-west corner of the Solomons - Choiseul and Shortland Islands. [00-218]
Country: Solomon Islands
Choiseul Island
The Island of Choiseul showing elevation, main islands and settlements.[00-344]
Country: Solomon Islands
Costa Rica - Oil Palm Districts
The location of the main oil palm districts in Costa Rica, Central America - 2010.
Country: Costa Rica
East Asia to west Pacific
Regional map that extends from India north to Korea and east to Vanuatu. [14-159]
Relief map of Guadalcanal showing main settlements, airport and road from Lambi to Aola.
Country: Solomon Islands
Makira Island
The island of Makira (formerly San Cristóbal) showing elevation, districts and main islands.
Country: Solomon Islands
Malaita, Solomon Islands
The island of Malaita, Solomon Islands with inset showing the atoll of Ontong Java to the southeast. [00-102]
Country: Solomon Islands
Melanesian, a subregion of Oceania, showing the countries and main islands and their relation to Australia and Indonesia
Region: Pacific