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Belaga District, Sarawak
Ethnic Groups of the Belaga District (Kapit Division), Sarawak Malaysia.
Country: Malaysia
The Islands of the Caribbean and surrounding countries showing island groups and major cities.
Cook Islands - location
Cook Islands - location in the Pacific Ocean. [00-009]
Country: Cook Islands
Cook Islands base
Cook Island chain showing island names and main reefs - 2012. [12-207]
Country: Cook Islands
East Asia to west Pacific
Regional map that extends from India north to Korea and east to Vanuatu. [14-159]
Galapagos Islands base
Galapagos Islands showing island names, main towns and roads - 2012.
PNG versions of the base map can be downloaded with or without elevation shading.
Country: Ecuador
Indonesian provinces - 2012
Indonesian elevation base map with province borders and provincial capitals - 2012.
PNG versions of the map can be downloaded with or without elevation shading.