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Himalayan rivers
Rivers of the Western Himalayan Mountains originating in Tajikistan, Northeast Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan and India.
Region: Asia
Samoa / American Samoa
Samoa and American Samoa base map with capitals and island names - 2012.
PNG versions of the base map can be downloaded with or without elevation shading.
Samoa admin base
Samoa base map showing district borders and capitals of Savai'i and Upolu - 2012.
PNG versions of the base map can be downloaded with or without elevation shading.
Country: Samoa
Samoa and American Samoa
The main islands of Samoa and American Samoa showing the capital city of each country.
Samoa base
Samoa base map showing the main islands of Savai'I and Upolu - 2012.
PNG versions of the base map can be downloaded with or without elevation shading.
Country: Samoa
Samoa in the Pacific
The South Pacific Ocean showing the location of Samoa with inset of the main islands and its capital Apia.
Region: Pacific
Country: Samoa
Samoa-Traditional districts
The eleven traditional districts of Samoa, established well before European arrival, and still current today.
Country: Samoa