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Myanmar (Burma)
Myanmar (Burma) showing bordering countries and internal states/regions (old spellings).
Country: Myanmar
Myanmar (Burma)
Myanmar with BW hillshading, states/regions, main rivers - new names.
Country: Myanmar
Myanmar (Burma) - states and regions
Burma with single tone high-country shading or BW relief, old and new names.
Country: Myanmar
Myanmar (Burma) - Thailand border
Myanmar (Burma) and the border areas with western Thailand.
Myanmar (Burma) smuggling routes & smugglers
Goods and routes being smuggled in and out of Burma and types of people doing the smuggling (2004).
Country: Myanmar
Myanmar (Burma) states
States and regions of Myanmar (Burma) using early Burmese names.
Country: Myanmar
Myanmar 2010 boundaries
Myanmar showing the 2010 People's Assembly Electoral boundaries (includes state/region, district, township and constituency borders).
Country: Myanmar