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Indonesian provinces - 2012
Indonesian elevation base map with province borders and provincial capitals - 2012.
PNG versions of the map can be downloaded with or without elevation shading.
Lautem, Timor-Leste
District of Lautem including sub-districts borders and main towns.
Country: Timor-Leste
Oecussi, Timor-Leste
A municipaity and Special Administrative Region (SAR) of Timor-Leste. Oecussi is a coastal enclave in the western part of the island of Timor surrounded on land by the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia and to the north by the Suva Sea.
Country: Timor-Leste
Palestine and surrounding countries
Elevation map showing the countries surrounding the occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Region: Asia
Timor - districts/kabupatens
Districts and Kabupatens of Timor island showing both Timor-Leste and Indonesia. [00-078]
Timor-Leste base
Timor-Leste showing district borders and their capitals - 2013.
PNG versions of the base map can be downloaded with or without elevation shading.