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African continent showing country names, including the newly named Eswatini (Formerly Swaziland - officially changed April 19, 2019)
Region: Africa
Caroline, Marshall and Gilbert Islands
The historic Caroline, Marshall and Gilbert Islands before they gained their independence.
Region: Pacific
Carteret, Green, Mortlock, Nuguria and Tasman Island Groups
PNG islands groups located to the north of the Solomon Islands and Bougainville, PNG. [00-179]
Region: Pacific
Coral Atolls of Tuvalu
The coral atolls of Tuvalu showing comparative size only - none of the atolls are shown in correct proximity to each other. [00-174]
Region: Pacific
Country: Tuvalu
East Africa - Lake Victoria region
The East Africa region surrounding Lake Victoria which sits within the borders of Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.
Region: Africa
East Asia - New Zealand
Regional map covering the area from Korea through southeast Asia to New Zealand. [00-340]
East Pacific Islands
East Pacific Island Groups - Revillagigedo Islands (Mexico), Galapagos Islands (Equador), Clipperton (France) and Cocos Island (Costa Rica). [00-420]
Region: Pacific
Fenir (Anir) Islands in the Pacific
The location of the islands of Ambitle and Babase of the Feni (Anir) Group in the South Pacific Ocean
Region: Pacific
Country: Papua New Guinea